
Displaying HTML Tags


Displaying HTML tags as texts in a web post such as this has been a challenge for me lately. Whenever I include HTML tags intended to be displayed as texts, the tags do not appear in my published posts. Although I know that I simply have to replace the open arrow bracket (<) with this: &lt and the close arrow bracket (>) with this: &gt, Blogger is still unable to display my HTML tags as texts. If someone reading this knows the solution to my problem, please post a comment on this.

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The Head Tag: Setting Background Image


The HTML <head> and </head> tags are typically found immediately after the opening <html> tag of an HTML document. If you open the template of your Blogger blog, you would see these tags. These tags are very important when it comes to the overall styles of your HTML document. Within these tags, the different styles of your blogsite are defined.

For instance, you can define the background of your HTML document or web page by inserting CSS codes in between the head tags.

Matrix-Effect Background

You can insert the above gif image by inserting these CSS codes just before the closing head tag </head>:

<style type='text/css'>
background-repeat: repeat;

Save your template and view your blog. The Matrix-like background will appear. (To view an example of this, click this link: Alternate Reality) You can actually change the background as often as you like. You simply have to change the URL part of the above codes. You may search Google for appropriate backgrounds that can be seamlessly tiled. Just choose images that do not have any borders and images that have good contrast with your texts.

To change the image simply change the higlighted part of the CSS codes below and paste these codes in between the head tags:

<style type='text/css'>
background-repeat: repeat;

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